Linda You
Linda You is from Brownsburg, Indiana, and is majoring in International Studies and Chinese. She joined the Chinese Flagship in hopes of better understanding her native language and culture, and to one day become fluent in Chinese in order to effectively communicate with her family and friends. Furthermore, she ultimately hopes to fulfill her dream of studying abroad in China and also visit Fujian, the province where she and her grandma lived in for the first few years of her childhood. Though she has never used Chinese until she entered her freshman year of college, she has always had a deep desire and passion to learn and become fluent in the language, and she knew a program as excellent as the Chinese Flagship would help her to accomplish that; so far her journey in the program has been incredibly worthwhile and exciting! As Linda is still uncertain of her career path after post-graduation, she hopes she will most likely attend grad-school and excel in a profession that will allow her to utilize her Chinese, or perhaps spend some time traveling around the country while immersing herself in a variety of cultures and languages. Outside of studying Chinese, she enjoys music, art, fashion, Asian dramas, boba tea, and road trips.